
How can I make or where do I buy that strawberry sauce that they put on bananas at Chinese restaraunts?

It's just that strawberry gel stuff you see near the fresh strawberries in the produce section of a grocery store. It's in a little bag inside of a box, and you're "supposed" to slice up your strawberries and put in that gel then serve over shortcakes.

A good cake decorating store (or aisle, like Hobby Lobby) may have ready-made cake filling as well... just get the strawberry flavored gel.
How can I make or where do I buy that strawberry sauce that they put on bananas at Chinese restaraunts?
You will find it is raspberries not strawberries in this.

Put raspberries and icing sugar in a blender and blitz until smooth and pureed.

When this is done, put into a pan and gently heat up, then leave to cool.

You can also look in your local Supermarket beside the ice-cream section and you will find this in bottles I call it coulous when it's made as above, but the stuff they sell in the shops could be from Lyles Golden Syrup.

Called "Saucy" and it's a flavoured syrup.
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