
How do I get a strawberry and a truffle in Harvest Moon: Magical Melody?

I only need these last two crops to marry Jamie :)

I know the game ends or whatever, but Im still going for it.

Help please and thank you :)
How do I get a strawberry and a truffle in Harvest Moon: Magical Melody?
In order to unlock strabberies, you first have to ship fifty cabbages.

For a truffle, you can either have your pig sniff them out, (they're found by digging around Mora Trees during fall), or you can randomly dig around the tree and try your luck that way. They're both hard because if you don't use your pig it's all up to chance, but if you do, he's not much help anyway because he falls asleep like every five seconds. I've heard that if you find a patch around the tree with a weed on it , remove it, and then dig, you might have a better chance of finding one. Don't get discouraged though, they're really hard to find. I haven't found one yet either!

