Should I cover my strawberry plants in winter?
Yes. It is a good idea to apply two to three inches of a light, airy mulch such as straw. The best time to cover plants is after a few good freezes in late fall. The straw acts as insulation to keep the soil cold or frozen, which reduces ``heaving,'' the effect of many cycles of ``freeze-then-thaw'' temperatures that push strawberries out of the ground. The typical time to mulch is between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Remove the mulch in spring, when temperatures consistently remain above freezing.
Reply:depending on how cold it gets, yes...but if your main problem is deer, like it is in PA, you should cover them with chicken wire
Reply:My mom always puts straw or grass clippings around hers before winter... but it gets to around -40 here sometimes. You may not need to if it never gets that cold there.
Reply:well i live in massachusetts and have never covered my strawberries.they seem to do fine and come back in the springtime..good luck..its so fun to grow kids eat them right off the plant and i make homemade jelly with them...just 3 more months to go before spring..ahhhh i cant wait!!!
Reply:I live in Ontario, Canada, and I do not cover them. They come back every year, no problems.
Reply:Only if the winter is going to be a light, with occasional frost on the ground should you worry about covering them, this will allow the plants to continue producing fruit. If it is going to be a harsh winter then let them go, they should recover the next summer.
Reply:Your strawberries need to be protected by frost bite. You need to keep them covered to keep them warm.
Reply:don't worry about it, just send them to me!
haha, just kidding.
But yes, you should cover them.
Reply:yes you should. if you can use a trash bag with newspaper underneath