
How come Strawberry can snort lines at the mound yet Bonds can't even sit in the stands?

It seems everyone else can get a second chance yet Barry has given a lot to the sport and no one wants him in their stadium. Is it more a case of drugs or the fact is that he holds the record. How is cocaine any different from steroids. He has never been caught and since the players weren't tested historically who is to say they weren’t doping then. I say as long as he can contribute he should be allowed to play.
How come Strawberry can snort lines at the mound yet Bonds can't even sit in the stands?
I agree with you.....I don't understand however why you have to throw Darryl Strawberry under the bus. His problems were different that Bonds' problems %26amp; there's no real reason to bring him into it.
Reply:Cocaine is a drug that causes euphoria and the user believes he can do no wrong, not matter what he's doing (playing ball or anything else)........Steroids are used to build the body thus making a hitter bigger and stronger.......Strawberry has had way too many chances, in my opinion, as to me he's nothing more than a street druggie.....Bonds is a cheater and he has (from what I've heard, read and firmly believer) a crappy attitude......Bottom line, Bonds cheated Strawberry has a drug problem......Big difference.............
Reply:because Strawbeery admidted he had the problem

unlike Bonds
Reply:Oh, I love it !!!!!

What prey tell has Barry " given to the sport " except a black eye ????

Darryl Strawberry is a sad man with a good heart who suffers from a severe addiction problem.

Barry Bonds is a selfish, self-absorbed boor.

Note: I AM NOT a Yankee, Dodger, or Met fan, In fact I have a great deal of antipathy for those teams, but I have to laugh when I hear about " how much Barry has given to baseball "

Reply:Maybe it is because Barry is a complete @-hole and because the performance enhancing drugs that he used clearly affected him much more than stimulants affect players' performance. Or maybe teams don't want to sign someone to a multi-million dollar contract right before that person is thrown in prison. Also, genius, we know that people weren't taking steroids or HGH many years ago because the drugs were not available then.
Reply:I'm a lifelong Mets fan and Barry Bonds fan and I totally agree with you. He gets desrespected all the time, he was great before steroids and even if he did take them so was everyones elses heroes Roger Clemens and Mark McGwire... I just wish people would show Barry some more respect, he does deserve it
Reply:Strawberry also went back down to the minor leagues and played for the St Paul Saints, one of the most exciting minor league teams. He worked his way back to the majors.
Reply:I agree that the coke-snorting fiends of the 70s and 80s (especially the hated '86 Mets, who were all coked-out and arrogant louts) were treated with far too much leniency. But you reap what you sow. Barry made a career out of alienating everyone around him in the game: Management, teammates, the press, the fans. Now that he's under a federal indictment, those people have an excuse to give him the shunning they've always wanted to. I do not pity him, his phony record, his extra-marital affairs, his millions of dollars, or anything about him, except his lack of class.
Reply:Cocaine doesn't help people's performance at hitting and pitching like steroids do.
Reply:When did Strawberry snort lines on the mound? He wasnt a pitcher.

What has Bonds 'given' to baseball?

How many chances do you think Bonds should be given?

Dude, you dont make any sense.

