
How do I get strawberry juice out of my mattress?

I won't go into detail, I just need to know what to do to get it out.
How do I get strawberry juice out of my mattress?
Oh boy...the same thing happened to me with some glow in the dark sardine juice and well, it's still glowin' to this day. Never got it out.

P.S. Glad to see you're back Warrior Princess and I added you back to my contacts. You gotta watch out for that button. That's what happened to me about a month ago. Y!A needs to be more specific about what that button does.
Reply:try oxy-clean, or just try not to be so kinky!
Reply:The question is "How did you get strawberry juice IN your mattress?"...
Reply:You should pour a white cream over the top of it. I have some put you have to work hard to get it to come out.
Reply:I'll bet if we slept on it, we could have a solution by morning. You can always think better the next day. lol.

