How do you make a strawberry milkshake?
strawberry concentrate, strawberries, and milk
Reply:Strawberry Shake:
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon instant vanilla pudding
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend for 20 seconds or until smooth and frothy.
Reply:2 or 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream
1 cup of milk maybe more if you want thiner
now you can slice up some strawberries %26amp; then put if all in a blender and put on blend for 1 min.
or get some snow ball syrup flavor strawberry or some quick strawberry flavor mix it by hand or with the blender. make it as strawberry as you wish okay
Reply:depending on how much you want i would say
1/2 of your total ingredients milk
1/4 vinlla ice cream
adn the rest strawberries and strawberry concentrate
Reply:Hmmm, how do you make a strawberry milk "shake"?
You could put it in the freezer, or tell it a scary story.
Reply:normally when restaurants make milkshakes they use a little bit of milk, lots of vanilla ice cream and a syrup that gives it its flavour and colour, but if you buy a strawberry flavour ice-cream and blend that with a little bit of milk or cream, and some fresh strawberries, add a tiny bit of castor or normal sugar and there you have it, thats the best strawberry milkshake ever.
Reply:1st of all, for a strawberry MILKshake, you do not use ice-cream, and its never thick... if it is thick, its not milkshake. in catering, its called thick-shake. 2nd, depends if you want it fresh or not... fresh, get about 100gr of strawberries, and 100ml of milk blend together, and add some sugar ( just a pinch ) if you like it a bit sweet. Then shake in a shaker. Artificial strawberry milkshake, use syrup instead of strawberry... nearly same taste. I would suggest fresh milkshake, and syrup to decorate the glass ( on the side ) before pouring the fresh strawberry milksake...
hope that helped! :)
Reply:strawberries, strawberry ice cream and milk.
Reply:get vanilla ice cream and strawberries and or strawberry syrup and then put it in the bender and WHAH LA
Reply:cup and hald milk cup fresh strawberries 2 cups ice cream. I like mine thick.
Reply:In a blender, I would add milk, strawberry syrup and strawberry ice cream. If you have any strawberries, add them after you have blended for a short time. You can thicken by adding more ice cream. You can use frozen yogurt as well.
Reply:strawberries and milk would be a good start
good luck
Reply:I think the best way to make a strawberry shake is use ice cream and strawberries with a little bit of milk and sugar mixed in Blended of course. Figure 2 scoops of ice cream, cup of strawberries, 1 oz of milk, teaspoon of sugar and you are golden!