
How do i lighten my strawberry blonde hair without bleach?

my hair is strawberry blonde, i want it back to bleach blonde. how can i lighten it alot w/ out bleach?!?!?! answers? PLEASE.
How do i lighten my strawberry blonde hair without bleach?
The only way I know how is to get L'Oreal dye, the lightest you can find, it should be Ultimate Lightest Blonde or Lightest Natural Blonde something along those lines and that will get your hair pretty light without hurting it too much, that's what I used for years and I have thin hair. I think it might have some degree of peroxide in it though.
Reply:get a rinse
Reply:You can use permanent colors, but it won't lift you high enough to get you that "bleach blonde" color. The only thing that will make it bleach blonde, I'm sorry to say is bleach.
Reply:well i would never bleach it, even tho i tried goin blonde( im naturally strawberry blonde) it kills ur hair but using lemon juice in the sun helps! or sun in
Reply:sonlight natually lightens hair

