
How long does it take to see growth from strawberry seeds?

I bought a kit to grow strawberries, and lost the papers that said how long it takes to grow them. Does anyone know how long I have to wait? Or what the process is? When do they start to give berries?
How long does it take to see growth from strawberry seeds?
hey---it may take 4 or 5 years to get strawberries from seed,,,strawberries put out runners,,,the runners peg their self to the ground,,,then are cut off from the mother plant,, in 2 years ,these are sold in stores as 2 year old plants,,,,you can pick the berries from them the first year,,,,if they are 1 year plants you have to pick the blooms off the first year in order for the plants to give their energy to growing vines best to buy 2 year plants and set em out in a permanent bed,,, then ,,if you want to,,, move the runners and establish other beds,,,
Reply:Try this:


Good luck.............!

