
If we plant strawberry seeds then how long before they start to show above the compost?

You know, how long before the green shoots show?
If we plant strawberry seeds then how long before they start to show above the compost?
I've been asking myself the same question! I put the seeds down a week ago and I still see nothing happening. I've been watering them, keeping them under clear cover so they're warm and yet..NOTHING!!!! Maybe its better to go to one of those pick your own strawberry farms and smuggle out a few root stocks.
Reply:planting strawberry seeds is the young person's way for a strawberry bed. First if you insist on this method you need to plant them in a seed starter tray, not in the garden. Keep them moist and give them gentle heat from the bottom. On top of a refrigerator is a good place for this. cover the tray with clear plastic. It could take up to 3 weeks for the tiny spouts. if you can keep the plants alive(verry difficult) it will be at least 2 years before you can harvest any berries. The best thing to do now is to cut your losses(the seeds), go to a garden store and buy about 12-24 everbearing plants, plant them out water well, sit back and harvest a few berries this spring. Next year, you will have to beat them back with a club!!
Reply:It is very difficult to grow them from seeds. most won't grow. starting them from cuttings or digging and splitting large strawberry plants is the way it's done. Or else simply buy small plants.
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