
How long will Strawberry Pie last for in the fridge?

I made it on Saturday night and today is Wednesday, is it still good?
How long will Strawberry Pie last for in the fridge?
Reply:It should be fine - wouldn't have lasted that long in my house!
Reply:chances are, it may spoil by late today or tomorrow. don't keep after friday...
Reply:Sure it's good.
Reply:it should last 7 to 10 days after that throw it out.or you can freeze it and when you take it out to thaw out warm it up in the oven.and serve with ice cream.
Reply:About 10 minutes at my house. Yes, it's still good, could you PLEASE send me a piece. I love strawberry pie alamode.

It should be good for a week, provided your fridge temp is right.
Reply:yes, throw out tomorrow

